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One day, Rose received a call from the South Central Family Health Clinic. The clinic notified her of a very special case, who needed her direct attention. His name was Fidel. Fidel didnt have enough money to get to the clinic, and wasnt able to physically walk onto the bus. So immediately after receiving the call, Rose went with a translator to Fidels home, which was a laundry and boiler room. The first thing that Rose noticed when she entered was the terrible condition he was living in, within this unsafe and tiny room. Rose then noticed something very different about Fidel, which she had not previously been aware of. She saw that his feet were curved in, and that on those feet, were tire strips as shoes. After speaking with him, Rose found out that he was paying extremely high amounts for this small and potentially dangerous boiler room, and that he had diabetes and was suffering from depression. She also further discovered that his feet were in constant pain due to diabetes, and that because of this, he was unable to work. Rose decided that she was going to make a change in this mans life, and give him the second chance he deserved.

Rose began to develop a supportive relationship with Fidel, visiting him every week and providing him with money for transportation and food. Each time Rose visits Fidel, she takes him someone new to speak with, and she constantly introduces him to others around her, so that he can begin to enter society once again. At this point, Cover the Homeless Ministry is also working to find him better living circumstances, and is allowing him to mainstream into society through finding a job. Already through Roses efforts, Fidel has grown stronger and healthier, and his depression has begun to fade away, as hes often visited and uplifted. For Rose and Cover the Homeless Ministry, helping someone like Fidel who really is in need of support, achieves the main goal of the non-profit, as it allows someone to truly begin again.


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Get to know Rose Rios, an unbelievable woman who has made the ultimate difference in her community.

Just a few examples of individuals whose lives were completely transformed because of Cover The Homeless Ministry.

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